10:13 PM
Strings, which are widely used in Java programming, are a sequence of characters. In the Java programming language, strings are objects.
 In contrast with C or C++, in Java handling strings is different because:
·         in Java every char is a 16 bit Unicode value, and not 1 byte;
·         in Java, strings values are managed by String objects(String pool)
·         in Java, the syntax allows you to use Strings as primitive data types (you can use = operator to initialize them)
·         in Java, Strings are immutable objects, meaning that once are created, they can’t change their value.

How to define and initialize a String
String  s = new String();      S=”abcd”;     (or)   String s= new String(“abcd”);        //Zillion Constructors  
String   s=”abcd”  ; this representation is called String Literal.
In above   two  String  initializations First  Creates  one  String object ,one references variable and point references variable to string object. 

Every String Literial is Storead in String Constant pool. 
String Constant pool is memory area created by jvm for efficient  use of memory for Strings.
When compiler Encounter a String Literal , it Checks the String Constant pool  to see if any identical String already Exists . if any match is found ,the references to the  new String literal
String   ss  = ”abcd”;

String   s=”abdc”; already present in String Constant pool , now we create same  String  ss=”abcd”  object with abcd . so compiler checks for identiacal String in String constant pool . if found  it simple create references variable  ss and point to String object “abdc”; (above)

One More important thing in String is String are IMMUTABLES , means once it created does not change. String value Constant.
String  s=”abcdef”;
S.O.P(s);                             o/p :   abdcdef  .  because Strings are immutables. In this case what happen is

String s=”abcdef”; 
creates one references variable and one string object in heap memory and pointing to S.
creates  object  with  “abcdefghi” in heap memory  (concat  both Strings) ,but no references variable is Assigned . so the  String is remains same (abcd).  So Strings are  immutables.
String   s=”abcdef”;
s= s.concat(“ghi”);
S.O.P(s);                           o/p :   abdcdef ghi .    

s=s.concat(“ghi”);   in this case , the concat objects is  “abcdefghi” is create in head  memory,and  s is pointed to this new object(because we assing s=s.concat(“ghi”)   ).  

String s="Java";
s.o.p("x="+x);    ------->o/p x=Java
s.o.p("x="+x)   ----------->o/p x=Java Rules
s.o.p("x="+x)     ------------>o/p x=Java Rules

String &Memory:
One of the key goal of any good programming language is to make efficient us of memory . as application grow ,it's very common for String literals to occupy larger amount of programs memory,and there is often a lot of  redundancy with in the program.
 To make java more efficient ,the JVM sets aside a special  area of memory called the "String constant pool". when the compiler encounters a String Literal it checks the pool to see if an identical string already exists .if a match is found ,the reference to the new literal is directed to existing string ,and no new String literal object is created(The existing String simple has an additional reference)

Note:      String class is Final class does't override String class functionality.(String class methods)

Differences Between String Literal (String s="abcd")& String (new key word used to create String s=new String("abc"))
     String s="abdc" ;
In this case , creates one String object and one reference variable.  "abc" will goes to the pool and s is refer to it.
String s =new String("abcd"); // creates two objects and one references variable.

In this case ,because we used new keyword ,java will creates a new String object in normal(nonpool)memory,and s will refer to it.In addition ,the literal "abc" will be places in the pool.

Note: String are Immutable object in java.

Methods in String class :

1) char charAt(int index)                                  2)String concat(String str)              3)int length() 

4)String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)       5)String trim()   6)boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)

7)String substring(int beginIndex)       8)String toLowerCase(Locale locale)     9) String toUpperCase(Locale locale) 

10)String toString()             11)String[] split(String regex)


More coming soon……………………………………………………..

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